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Unapologetically Wise Women Sharing All We Are
Here at Cronebird we are imagining and creating a new reality.
We study the myriad forms of the sacred feminine and bring them to a space of love and respect.

We offer ourselves and our learned skills in different forms of healing
and teaching to those who find themselves fearful of the future.

We help those we mentor to feel enthusiasm and excitement for the future,
to love and create a new path, one of respect, honor, and usefulness in this new way of being.

Find your peace with holistic therapy in Boston and Southern New Hampshire
Contact us with any questions. or Rondi@Cronebird.
Clockwise left to right we are, Sue, Colleen, Michelle and Rondi. We've have been playing and working together as energy healers for over 23 years. Gifted and skilled in many modalities, allow us to help you.
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Colleen, Rondi, Sue and Michelle welcome you to our table….

We are four friends and colleagues who have worked and played together for more than 20 years. We come from the same energy healing background and also bring our individual experiences, various other training, education and personal gifts which we blend to offer you the opportunity for a deep dive into your growth and discovery capabilities.

Please see our individual bios to appreciate the full scope of our offerings.

Together we connect as one to serve you.

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The Cronebird Difference
Transform your body, mind and soul

I believe strongly in the transformative powers of meditation, and I'm proud to have turned that passion into a service for individuals throughout New England. As a leader in my field, I want to help you alleviate stress and gain a deeper understanding of your life.